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Home Services and projects Engineering and investigation projects

Engineering and investigation projects

ecoLAN makes engineering projects of technical aspects. Have you got any new project in mind? We can help you.

If you are thinking in running a waste treatment plant, contact with us. We know the most modern plants in Europe, we carry out environmental evaluations of all type of investments and we can contribute in the design and selection of the most efficient machinery, getting the best offers of different European makers.

ecoLAN is involved in several investigation projects at local, national and international level in collaboration with important companies. These projects are about:

  • The waste management and recycling.
  • New technologies for recycling.
  • Development and use of recycled materials.
  • Ecodesign of products.

ecoLAN looks for subventions

ecoLAN looks for subventions for engineering and investigation projects for his customers at local level (Intek), national level (PROFIT, Environment department,...) and European level (LIFE, EUREKA, 5º Program Marco of I+D,..).


Environmental services

Our company offers environmental engineering solutions, ecodesign and all type of projects for the sustainable development of the companies.

Innovative environmental services.